Claims and and Benefits Procedures



Early Withdrawal Benefits

You can withdraw your pension before you reach retirement age due to the following: 

1. Prolonged Unemployment

If you have been unemployed for at least 3 months, you can withdraw your pension benefits and your benefits will be paid to your designated bank account within 14 days of signing an exit declaration from the fund.

Required Claim Documentation:

  1. National Identification Card – Photocopy
  2. Bank Account Details
  3. Membership Withdrawal Form
  4. Letter showing one has been unemployed for 6months


If you are leaving or have left Malawi permanently, you can withdraw all your pension benefits subject to providing all information required.

Required Claim Documentation:

  1. National Identification Card – Photocopy
  2. Bank Account Details – ATM Photocopy if available
  3. Membership Withdrawal Form
  4. Details of the destination country (Town, City or Address of Residence)
  5. Permanent residence permit or citizenship of the destination country

Retirement Benefits

You can access your pension benefits on the following retirement grounds:

  1. Early – you have reached the minimum retirement age of 50
  2. Service – you have worked for an unbroken period of 20 years with the Government of Malawi
  3. Normal – you have reached the Malawi Government retirement age of 60
  4. Ill Health – you are deemed incapable to continue any form of employment due to illness or permanent total disability

Required Claim Documentation:

  1. National Identification Card – Photocopy
  2. Bank Account Details
  3. Membership Withdrawal Form

Additional requirements (for ill-health only):

  1. A medical report issued by a medical practitioner or a legally constituted medical board
  2. A copy of the medical practitioners registration certificate issued by Medical Council of Malawi

Death Benefits

If you die whilst you are a member of the PSPTF, your pension benefits will be paid out to your beneficiaries according to the nomination of beneficiary form you complete. In the absence of a current nomination of beneficiary form, your pension benefits will be paid out to beneficiaries as determined by the Trustees of the pension fund.

Required Claim Documentation:

  1. Members National Identification Card – Photocopy
  2. Membership Withdrawal Form
  3. Nomination of beneficiaries form executed before date of death
  4. Death Certificate / Report from the Registrar general’s office
  5. Beneficiaries Bank Account Details
  6. Beneficiaries’ National Identification Card – those over 18 – Photocopy

All payments are made:

  1. Via Electronic Funds Transfer
  2. In the name of the scheme member or,
  3. In the name of a death benefit nominated beneficiary
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